Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 4: Impactful Quotes

1a. How is “living what [you] believe” (Fulfilling the Promise, page 26, middle of right-hand column) both difficult and easy for teachers?

Teachers have this awesome ability to think big. We all know we have the ability to change the world, but when it comes to really doing it, really stepping up and differentiating for all of our students and all of their needs our inadequacies sweep in and we realize that it's near impossible to meet every need of ever student. I think this is why it's both easy and difficult. We dream big, but sometimes can't act big enough. There aren't enough hours in the day or enough funds in the budget. I think the quote from the text, "when they do, however, [lose their sight of the vision of teaching] they understand that they have lost their compass, and they hunt for 'North' until they find their way again." This is the rejuvinating part of teaching, there is somthing about it that provides you with a determinaiton to start everyday new. To look at the new challenges of not only teaching but changing lives for the better and face those struggles head on.

1b. How can (might, should) differentiation affect “living what you believe”?

I believe that like anything, differentiation can only have an affect on any teacher's life if it's allowed to. I'd like to think that it has affected my view of teaching and my personal methodology as I teach. In leiu with that I don't believe that differentiation should affect teaching, but rather that teachers dedicated to student success drives teachers to make accomodations/differentiate to help their students attain their personal level of succes.

1c. From chapter 4, explain what Tomlinson mean when she suggests that a teacher, early and often, should say to students, “Let’s figure this out together. Let’s make this our class.”

To me this phrase means several things. The first part would help students realize that teachers aren't the ultimate source of information, but that the students and others are experts on various things and that the general and classroom body of knowledge can be added to. The second part would imply a classroom community which is comprised of a lot of personalites, backgrounds and expertise. Together I think Tomlinson means that together as a teacher-student(s) team that they can attain the solution to the problem, issue or question together. This reminds me of when Sylvia Allan was in class and talked about vegetables solving 80 or 90% of her management problems. That only works if there is a system of trust an safety within the classroom. The same trust and safety that allows both teacher and students to make mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. It really takes trust going both ways to allow us to be comfortable in taking risks that might end in a mistake.
